
I Want To Volunteer

If you cannot see an opportunity that is right for you, please register your interest in volunteering and we will try to find one for you which matches your needs.

Alternatively, please contact our Thrive Trafford Volunteer Coordinator, Jack Puller, for help and advice, or for wider volunteering opportunities in your local area please contact one of the Trafford Community Hub Volunteer Coordinators as detailed below.

I'm looking for Volunteers

If you are a VCFSE group or organisation that involves volunteers in your work and are actively recruiting, please click the button to post your volunteering opportunity details to our website.

Trafford Community Hub Volunteer Coordinators

Trafford Volunteer Managers Network

The Thrive Trafford Volunteer Managers Network runs quarterly and gives individuals managing volunteers within their organisation the opportunity to meet others from across Trafford in similar roles.

The network seeks to share best practice and information amongst volunteer managers and coordinators from all sectors across Trafford, and to offer peer support with raising the profile of volunteering, recruiting volunteers, identifying funding and training opportunities and encouraging joint working.

Meetings are open to anybody in Trafford that are responsible for volunteers or volunteering in their group or organisation.

2024 Dates

Trafford Volunteer Managers Network Thursday 14 November 2024, 13:00 – 15:00

2025 Dates

Trafford Volunteer Managers Network Thursday 13 February 2025, 13:00 – 15:00

Trafford Volunteer Managers Network Thursday 15 May 2025, 10:30 – 12:30

Trafford Volunteer Managers Network Thursday 21 August 2025, 11:00 – 13:00

Trafford Volunteer Managers Network Thursday 13 November 2025, 13:00 – 15:00

For further information about the Volunteer Managers Network please contact our Volunteer Coordinator Jack Puller.


Thrive Trafford is responsible for coordination of the volunteering infrastructure in Trafford.

The Thrive Trafford Volunteer Management Toolkit has been developed by Thrive Trafford to assist VCFSE organisations to better manage their volunteers. It is also intended to help provide a consistent approach to volunteer management across the borough.

The Toolkit has been designed to be light touch, including a number of practical tools and resources that can be easily adapted for use within your own organisation. The Toolkit is available to download by clicking on the link below.


For Safeguarding Information and Resources for Children and Adults in Trafford please visit: Trafford Safeguarding Partnership

NCVO – Involving Volunteers: Practical and step by step guidance to help you manage volunteers and the process of volunteering well – Click Here

Employee Volunteering & Social Value

Employer-supported volunteering (ESV) gives employees the opportunity to volunteer during working hours. Organisations have an impact on the communities in which they operate and many employers have introduced different types of volunteering programmes for employees to support community organisations and charities with their time and skills

CIPD, Employer-supported volunteering

Thrive Trafford provides expertise in corporate social responsibility and can support businesses, employers and VCFSE sector groups or organisations to engage in focussed employee volunteering activities. Thrive is also an active member of the Trafford Social Value Steering Group that is convened by Trafford Council.

For more information about Employee Volunteering and Social Value please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Jack Puller.

You can also complete a Social Value and Employer Supported Volunteering Registration Form to share your ask or offer with VCFSE groups and organisations in Trafford.

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