Are You over 50 and live in Greater Manchester, if so Have Your Say on the new ‘Reach’ Employment Support Platform.
We are Humanly, a team of designers working to develop new ways of supporting people aged over 50 into work in Greater Manchester.
We have an idea for a new service called ‘Reach’ and we would like to get your feedback. Reach does not exist as a real service, it is just an idea at this stage. Please be honest in your answers as all feedback, good and bad, will help us to develop this idea further.
Reach is an online platform designed to help support you in your employment journey. To explain our idea we have created a mock-up of the Reach platform. At this stage we are not looking for feedback on the website design, layout or branding, but instead we want to know what you think about the idea of this service as a whole and its key features.
To take part in this survey you must be aged 50 or over and live in Greater Manchester. Click Here to take part in the survey.
To say thank you, Humanly will send you a £10 Amazon voucher for completing the survey. Please remember to leave an email address at the end of the survey so that they can send your voucher to you.