Expressions of interest invited for Greater Manchester Integrated Rehabilitative Services – Welfare Support Services
Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and Greater Manchester Probation Service (GMPS) are inviting Expressions Of Interest to be submitted by GM VCSE organisations to deliver services for people who are on probation. The ambition is to develop a ‘total system’ of rehabilitative welfare services across Greater Manchester by working with VCSE organisations. They would like to work with services where they already exist and bolstering those services to enhance the following provision:
- Emotional regulation and decision making
- Wellbeing support and healthy choices
- Behaviour change
- Family support and mediation
The service will need to have buildings with public access and be delivering similar support for local people as well as being willing to work with People on Probation. The initial development delivery period will be until 31st March 2023. The overall funding for this development period is in the region of £1.2m to deliver a welfare service hub in each of the 10 local authority areas of Greater Manchester. Following this development period, GMCA/GMPS shall undertake a further commission to deliver services on a Greater Manchester footprint from April 23 for 3 years.
GMCA/GMPS are also keen to work with potential providers to develop a ‘Lead Co-ordinator’ function to enable a single conversation between the providers and GMCA/GMPS.
Please view the Expression Of Interest for further details, timescales etc by clicking here. An information event for interested parties is being held on 24th March, please register your interest in attending the information event by sending an email to ASAP, providing appropriate name and email contact details.
Completed submissions need to be completed and returned to by 8th April 2022.
If you would like to speak to The Authority about these services, please provide contact details of the individual it is most appropriate for us to contact and the nature of your enquiry to: Please place GMIRS Welfare Programme in the heading.