GM VCSE Co-Production Network Assembly
Is co-production as messy, expensive and time-consuming as everyone says?
Join us at the 3rd GM Co-production Network to connect with other people trying to share power and work in new ways. We think the best way to co-produce is just to jump in and start doing something, so the network is focused on sharing our skills and experiences to learn from each other and do just that.
This time, we will hear about:
Making it count – does impact matter in co-production? Why are we even co-producing in the first place? Sally from NPC will be sharing their helpful research which explores these questions and more
Community organising – how can the methods of community organising help us connect and build trust with people who are often labelled ‘hard to reach’?
Facilitation – sharing the skills of creating more equal spaces and enabling people to work together better
Action learning – a taster session bringing together a supportive group to help us think through co-production challenges we are facing
There will also be space to discuss the core knotty issues of co-production, from tokenism to privilege, and think what we can do about them. What have we seen that works? What can we be positive about? Who are our allies?
Thursday 20 June 2019, St Thomas Centre. Time 10.00am – 1.00pm (Free)
Join us at the 3rd GM Co-production Network Assembly to connect with other people trying to share power and work in new ways.
To find out more or to book your place, click here.