Lead Partner Recruitment – Trafford VCSE Collective – Apply for the role by the 28th September 2020
Trafford VCSE Collective are looking to identify four lead partners to lead the work of the Collective in the North, West, Central and South areas of Trafford.
The vision of the Trafford VCSE Collective sees the sector as an equal partner in improving health and wellbeing of Trafford’s residents, taking an active part in planning, commissioning and delivery of services.
Over the next six months the priorities include;
• Establishing the Collective as a member led Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
• Developing management information, communication and engagement systems and processes.
• Developing the membership at a local level.
• Supporting the delivery of early intervention and prevention service at a local level.
• Communicating and engaging Trafford residents in support of the health and Social Care Locality and recovery plan.
The role of the lead partner will be to contribute to the strategic development of the Collective by;
• Building the membership at a local level.
• Communicate and engage with the membership
• Communicate and engage with residents in the local area.
• Establish/manage/attend leadership/locality/partnership meetings
• Represent the sector at a local level in discussions with partners from public and private sector organisations.
Trafford VCSE Collective have agreed a two stage process to identify the lead partners;
Stage 1 – organisations are asked to submit an expression of interest by the 28th September.
Stage 2 – all organisations that have successfully complete stage 1 will be asked to complete a detailed application.
For an information pack that includes the Expression of Interest and Application forms please contact Dan Shelston from Thrive Trafford – dan@pulseregeneration.co.uk
If you have any questions or would like clarification on any issues feel free to Contact George Devlin (Chair, Trafford VCSE Collective) on 0785 6783463 or Dan Shelston from Thrive Trafford on 07960 714451.