Let’s Tidy Trafford Together – 16th September to 20th October 2019

Let’s Tidy Trafford Together is an initiative to involve Trafford residents, schools, community groups and businesses in helping to improve the local environment and make Trafford a cleaner place.

We all have a part to play in helping keep the borough clean and tidy and we would like everyone to join this call to action and help to collect and dispose of litter from our streets, parks and open spaces between 16th September and the 20th October 2019.

During this time you can carry out your own litter pick or join us at an event that is already taking place. If you would like to arrange your own litter pick we will help you along the way. You can loan litter pickers for your event, order some bags and arrange pick up. Find out more information here https://www.trafford.gov.uk/residents/transport-and-streets/street-care-and-cleaning/Lets-Tidy-Trafford-Together.aspx

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