New Grants Available to Support Community Cohesion and Inclusive Neighbourhoods in Trafford – Apply Now!

Inclusive Neighbourhood Grants

Trafford Council’s Inclusive Neighbourhood Grant and Community Cohesion Grant schemes, provide residents and community organisations with the opportunity to apply for funding to deliver a community event or project. Throughout 2020, £100,000 is available to residents and community groups through the Inclusive Neighbourhood Grant scheme. Grants will come in two sizes – up to £500 for events and up to £2,000 for projects.

£25,000 will be released every few months and the closing dates for each period of the grant scheme will be 30 April, 31 July, 31 October and 31 January 2021.

For more information and to apply, visit the Council’s Inclusive Neighbourhood Grants page at

Community Cohesion Grants

In tandem with the Inclusive Neighbourhood Grants, Trafford Partnership is also launching the Community Cohesion Grant scheme with up to £30,000 available.

Voluntary and community organisations can apply for up to £5,000 to improve cohesion and inclusion in Trafford. The Trafford Partnership is looking for projects which enable understanding of different beliefs or cultures, build positive relationships, provide targeted engagement around issues such as hate crime, and build pride and strengthen communities.

With only one round of the Community Cohesion Grant scheme taking place, all applications must be received by 5pm on Thursday 30 April. For more information visit the Trafford Partnership website at

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