Technology Enhanced Care Survey – Take Part in the Survey

Trafford Council commissions Trafford Housing Trust to deliver our telecare and technology enhanced care (TEC) service to local people. This includes a range of equipment, technology and devices which support people to be more independent and keep safe and well at home. We are working with Trafford Housing Trust to review our use of TEC solutions, with a view to developing a new offer for local people, which makes best use of new developments in TEC.

Why we are consulting?

As part of this process, we are asking for feedback from a range of professionals and service users across Trafford. This will help us to build a detailed picture of what works well, what’s missing and the areas where we could improve. We would really appreciate you help with this, by answering the following short survey.

Opened 27 Sep 2019 Closes 11 Nov 2019

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