Trafford Partnership has launched an exciting new engagement initiative – #FutureTrafford – to seek thoughts and ideas on how we can change Trafford for the better over the next 10 years.

Trafford Partnership has launched an exciting new engagement initiative – #FutureTrafford – to seek thoughts and ideas on how we can change Trafford for the better over the next 10 years.

#FutureTrafford aims to get everyone that lives, works and visits Trafford to join the conversation about how to make Trafford a better place. We are encouraging people to tell us how they see their #FutureTrafford in words, photos and images via social media, email or in person at events.

Visit our webpage at, and we are live on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @FutureTrafford. Information will be placed in Trafford’s libraries and GP practices, and engagement events will be taking place across the borough.

We would love you to support this initiative by sharing and promoting #FutureTrafford and inspiring others to get involved.

In a few months’ time we will then reveal some of the most popular thoughts and ideas and the Trafford Partnership will then lead on the creation of a new Future Trafford Strategy to establish our priorities to 2030.

How can you support this initiative?

Please help us by …

• having a look at the new webpage, where you can find more background information on #FutureTrafford

• downloading the posters from the website to display in workplaces, schools and community venues

• editing and sharing this email with your contacts to encourage them to engage in and promote #FutureTrafford

• Tweeting, re-tweeting and sharing your ideas with residents via Twitter @FutureTrafford. Use hashtags such as #FutureTrafford #TraffordTogether #TraffordPartnership and tag @TPaction

• Liking, sharing and commenting on our dedicated Facebook page @FutureTrafford and sharing your own photos and videos

• Encouraging residents and colleagues to get involved and share their thoughts for #FutureTrafford

If you would like further information or have any queries, please email

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