Trafford Partnership has made £50,000 available to support local projects to improve cohesion and inclusion in Trafford.
After working with Trafford’s established resident-led Community Cohesion Forum, which includes representatives from local Voluntary and Community organisations, Faith groups and public agencies, it was decided that grants of up to £5000 are available to support local projects.
We are looking for projects that:
· Create opportunities for people to engage with each other to enable understanding of different beliefs or cultures and build positive relationships
· Targeted engagement around issues of hate crime, knife crime, social isolation and loneliness,
· Build pride and strengthen communities by encouraging residents to volunteer, using local assets or promoting local activities to bring people together from different backgrounds,
· Targeted youth engagement that promotes community cohesion
All applications must be emailed to by 12pm on Wednesday 4th December 2019
To apply please complete the application form and read the guidance notes on the Trafford Partnership Community Cohesion page ( For further information you can call 0161 912 1173 or email .