Trafford Council has now launched its 2nd Round of Digital Skills and Inclusion grants, VCSE organisations (Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise) can apply for up to £1,000 for projects and initiatives that provide training and support, as well as the purchase of new Digital equipment, to enable residents and staff to improve digital skills and enable people of all ages to be digitally included.
The grants are available to any voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise group or organisation in the borough.
The grants are there to improve the digital skills and digital inclusion of residents of all ages for work and at home purposes. By improving resident’s digital accessibility and digital skills, residents can stay connected with friends & family, local services, and gain the confidence to access information and advice online, which may help to reduce social isolation and enable people to be more connected with services available in their community.
In partnership with Trafford Partnership we are running a ‘Meet the Funder’ Q&A session via Microsoft Teams on Thursday 5th November 2020 at 12:30pm to 1pm – to join the session please email Caroline Lewis on for the link.
Cllr Mike Freeman, Trafford Council Executive Member for Public Safety, Governance and Reform, said:
“Online skills have been a lifeline to so many during the coronavirus lockdown. Even though people haven’t been able to meet with relatives and friends, they have been able to see each other on video, or do their weekly shop online.
Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability or the confidence to do this so these grants are a vital part of enabling people to develop their digital skills.
Digital is fast becoming an essential life skill so it’s important to develop digital skills and confidence. This scheme will help people in Trafford to engage with an increasingly digital world.”
Cllr Freeman added:
“Volunteers and communities have come together brilliantly in response to the coronavirus epidemic. This scheme will provide additional help to voluntary and community groups to support the people in Trafford with their digital skills.”
For further details and to apply please visit: