Trafford Voluntary, Community, Social Enterprise and Faith Sector COVID-19 Impact Needs Survey
Thrive Trafford is working with Trafford Partnership and other key Trafford Partners as part of a coordinated borough wide response to the COVID-19 outbreak. We want to ensure that VCSE organisations who are essential to helping residents through the pandemic are enabled to adapt resourcefully to their changed operating environment, both immediately and over the longer-term. VCSE organisations are at the heart of the Trafford community, and at this time it is important that these organisations are supported to adapt the work that they do so that they can contribute to efforts to ensure Trafford remains and vibrant and successful place to live and work.
We would like to invite you to complete this short VCSE Impact Survey to tell us how COVID-19 has impacted your service so we can tailor how we support VCSE organisations to deliver vital community services now and in the future.
Trafford Partnership would like to say Thank You to all of the Voluntary, Community, Social Enterprise and Faith sector groups and organisations for the work you are doing. It is important that you know that we value your work and that we will do what we can to help and support VCSE organisations
Thank you for your time and support during this unprecedented time.
Click Here to take the VCSE Impact Survey
Click Here to read the ‘VCSE Letter of Support’