Community STEM Activity Pilot – Offer for Community Groups
As part of their work on promoting the take-up of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths ) subjects, GMCA are working with STEM Clubs and The Science and Industry Museum to run a pilot with 30 community groups across GM. The aim is to increase the amount of young people taking up STEM subjects by encouraging them outside the school setting. Community groups who sign up will get to take part in a number of activities being run with STEM Clubs and the Museum of Science and Industry and also will get :
• Training for community group leaders and other staff and volunteers running STEM activities with young people this could be general or bespoke.
• Links to employer role models and mentors– which includes access to STEM ambassadors, and offers of trips and visits
• Opportunities to be involved in larger STEM activity in the city such as the Great Science Share in June 2020 and opportunities to engage with national competitions and initiatives.
• Signposting to quality resources and STEM opportunities including long term STEM projects
• Opportunities to network face to face and online to share good practice.
• Support to evaluate the impact of the STEM activity on the young people involved.
The offer is available for up to 30 community groups across GM who need to sign up by the end of August. Further details please Click Here and to find out more and get involved, please contact Nicola Wallworth, the STEM and HS2 programme Manager at GMCA :