Developing a VCSE Health & Wellbeing Collective for Trafford – VCSE Workshop – Thursday 13th December 2018

Developing a VCSE Health and Well Being Collective for Trafford – VCSE Workshop

This important workshop event will provide an opportunity for Trafford VCSE sector organisations to come together and input into the design and development of a new VCSE led Health and Well Being Collective for the Borough.

Partners in the public sector and commissioners need a more effective way of engaging with the VCSE sector to help in delivering a more person centred and community-based approach to health and well-being. This forms part of plans for the Transformation of Health and Social Care in Trafford led by the Local Care Alliance (including NHS Trafford CCG and Trafford Council) and will enable the sector to be involved in co-producing the design, delivery of services and decision making in the Borough.

The VCSE sector represents a huge resource in Trafford, collectively making a significant contribution across the Borough, working closely in our communities and often supporting those in greatest need of assistance.
A recent social prescribing workshop introduced the idea of VCSE sector organisations coming together as a Collective to establish a body that is able to work collaboratively and engage directly with public sector partners and commissioners and to represent the views of the sector.

A 2018 Trafford VCSE Sector Survey also highlighted two key priorities of the sector for the future:
• Increasing engagement of the VCSE sector to have strategic influence
• Improving collaboration between the VCSE and public sectors

The workshop will provide an update on the development of the Collective so far and an opportunity to input into how the model for a Trafford VCSE Health and Well Being Collective should look, work and operate, including timescales for implementation and next steps.

Date: Thursday 13th December 2018 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm (Registration from 9:45am)
Venue: Players Lounge, Lancashire County Cricket Club

9.45am Registration and Networking
10:00am Welcome and Introductions
10:10am Background to Health and Well Being Collective
10:25am What a VCSE Health and Well Being Collective might look like
10:40am Break Out/Workshop Sessions
11.50am Event Summary from the Presenters and Next Steps
12.00pm Close

If you would like to register to attend this free workshop please Click Here.

If you are unable to attend but would still like to input into the workshop please email Dan Shelston on

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