GMCVO – Big Alcohol Conversation Workshop – 14th September 2018

The Big Alcohol Conversation Design workshop offers you/your organisation the opportunity to contribute to the design of the GM Big Alcohol Conversation, especially the Community Engagement element, which will be delivered by the VCSE sector.

Many VCSE people have already contributed to the development of the GM Drug and Alcohol Strategy. This will be formally launched on 15th November 2018 alongside the start of a “Big Alcohol Conversation”. The Conversation will last until 28th February 2019 and is intended to engage the GM public in a dialogue around the scale and nature of alcohol-related harm in GM, with a specific focus on health-related harms and the ‘hidden’ and visible harm caused to children and young people by adult alcohol consumption. The outcome will be a shared GM “Ambition for Alcohol”.

GMCVO and 10GM are leading on the Community Engagement element of the Conversation. We will be commissioning VCSE organisations to carry out various kinds of structured conversations with their contacts, targeting those people least likely to be heard within the mainstream conversations.

For the workshop we are keen to include VCSE colleagues who:-
– Have knowledge of alcohol-related issues in GM; or
– Work with individuals or communities affected by alcohol-related harm, including young people and children; or
– Work with people who for any reason are less likely to be heard within the mainstream conversations.

To book your place, please click here.

Date: Friday 14th September 2018

Time: 10.00 – 12.00 (Registration from 9.30 onwards)

Venue: St Thomas Centre, Ardwick Green North, Manchester, M12 6FZ

Please note, as this event is likely to be very popular, only one delegate place can be offered to each VCSE organisation in order to ensure that as many organisations can attend as possible from across GM. Multiple registrations from the same organisation will be rejected.

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