Trafford School Nursing and Health Visiting Survey – Please Have Your Say

Trafford School nursing and health visiting survey

In order to improve our services for children and young people, we are reviewing our Health Visiting and School Nursing Services. As part of this review we’d like to hear colleagues’ views and thoughts.
This survey will help to shape what our services look like in the future and make sure they meet the needs of our children and young people in Trafford.
We are asking children and young people, parents/carers, and professionals about their experiences with our school nursing and health visiting services in Trafford.
The link to the survey is:

We would be grateful if you could complete this survey and share this link with as many colleagues as possible who can share with Trafford young people, parents/carers, and other CYP professional’s across the system.
Please submit your responses on Citizen space by 28/06/2021.

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